What's New
- Oct. 19, 2010
 Information: Our institute is an implementing partner of JICA region focused training program: "Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands in Asia and Africa."
- Apr. 02, 2007
Our organization name was changed by merger with Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). JISE's research projects and activities continue under the new organization, IGES-JISE.
- Nov. 15, 2006
Director, Dr. Akira Miyawaki, received 2006 Blue Planet Prize --> Lecture (PDF: 4.6MB)
- Jul. 10, 2006
Our office has been transferred to the following address --> New address
Research project The IGES-JISE's projects are based on the following six themes. Our missions in these projects are to promote practical activities to conserve, restore and create sustainable environments in collaboration with stakeholders.
- Field surveys and research for restoring tropical rain forests in Brazil and Malaysia
- Field surveys and research for restoring warm-temperate forests in China
- Field surveys and research on phytosociological inventory of Asia-Pacific
- Field surveys and research for conservation of rural environments; Satoyama
- Field surveys and research for evaluating structure and dynamics of regional ecosystems
- Field surveys and research for ecological functions of restored forests
IGES-JISE's Strategy The IGES-JISE's strategy plays an important role in practical activities for ecological preservation and restoration of green environments ranging from regional actions to global projects. We are making steady efforts in cooperation with stakeholders and achieving the results step by step.
Training of Skilled Personnel The IGES-JISE provides practical training programs for both Japanese and foreign researchers with the goal of expanding the technology base for environmental conservation and restoration. Practical training courses are offered to future experts in environmental policy making and program planning on issues ranging from local to global concerns. The IGES-JISE's programs focus on training specialists, students and every other stakeholder concerned with environmental conservation, urban planning, regional development, nature restoration and reforestation,
Academic Exchange & Database It is necessary to join hands not only with domestic and foreign ecology researchers but also with experts in interdisciplinary fields to demonstrate favorable results in actual programs for environmental conservation and restoration. In close cooperation with a variety of organizations, the IGES-JISE collects and analyzes ecological materials and literature for environment-creating activities overseas and supplies them in the form of applied technology.
<Supply of academic database services>
- Phytosociological system Webservice-Japan(Phytosoc.Web-J)
(Under construction)
- Phytosociological plant community database(Phytocom-DB)
(Under construction)
<Sponsor of seminars and symposiums etc.>
- Symposium and workshop on environmental problem (IGES-JISE's forum)
IGES-JISE is a research institute established in 1995 on the authorization of Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The IGES-JISE's five researchers are making every effort to conserve, restore and create environment through our main research projects and other practical activities.
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Dissemination of Information The next generation must acquire ecological knowledge through field@experience so that they can create sustainable living environment and civilization for the 2lst century. For this purpose, the IGES-JISE stresses field activities in which participants acquire accurate knowledge and practical skills for environmental preservation.
- Publication of journals (Eco habitat: IGES-JISE Research)
- Publication of bulletins (IGES-JISE Newsletter)