TOP > Hisanori Hayashi (Researcher)
Hisanori HAYASHI Researcher Doctor of Environment Science 
1.Academic background
1987 - 1991 |
College of Bioresource Science, Nihon University |
1991 - 1994 |
Division of Civil Engineering Graduate School of Yokohama National University |
2007 - 2010 |
Graduate School of Environment and Information Science, Yokohama National University |
1991 - 2002 |
Private Enterprise of Construction Company |
2002 - 2007 |
JISE Researcher |
2007 - |
IGES-JISE Researcher |
(1) |
Phytosociological study for understand of the regional vegetation. |
(2) |
Creation of native forest by potential natural vegetation theory. |
(3) |
Fire-preventive function of trees |
4.Academic paper
(1) |
Hayashi, H., Y. Murakami and T. Yagasaki. 2003. Study for ordination of regional vegetation by degree of succession ?A case study on vegetation of western Takefu City, Fukui prefecture, JAPAN. Eco-Habitat, 10(1):57-76. |
(2) |
Hayashi, H., Y. Murakami and T. Yagasaki. 2005. Spring plant communities in two areas of Fukui prefecture, JAPAN. Eco-Habitat, 12(1):107-121. |
(3) |
Hayashi,H., S.Meguro, K,Fujiwara, S.G.Mathenge, T.Furukawa and A.Miyawaki. 2006. Primary study of dry forest vegetation around Nairobi City, Kenya. Eco-Habitat, 13(1):23-32. |
(4) |
Hayashi, H. 2007. Fire-preventive function of trees in urban disasters. Eco-Habitat, 14(1):57-64. |
(5) |
Hayashi,H., S.Suzuki and T. Yagasaki. 2008. Growth of root sprouts in Akamegasiwa(Mallotus japonicus) after forest fires. Eco-Habitat, 15(1):43-48. |
(6) |
Hayashi, H. 2009. Statistical data on water content ratio of tree leaves. Eco-habitat, 16(1)F71-75. |
5.Belonging to academic conference
Ecological Society of Japan Society of Vegetation Science The Japanese Society of Revegetation Technology